Citrix Setup Unattended Support For Mac
However, some features are not currently available with Mac support, including reverse screen sharing, annotation tools and reboot/reconnect.
If your password exceeds this age limit, you need to change your Kerberos passwordUninstall previous Citrix versions. Click
This article describes how to install Citrix Receiver on Apple iPhone or iPad Background With the Citrix Receiver for the iPhone, you can access any XenApp hosted application from your Apple iPhone or iPad Touch.. With RescueAssist, you can deliver support from a Mac and also provide remote support to Mac users and access unattended Mac computers.
You can view, review, edit, and interact with full-featured Windows applications, documents, and data just like you would if you were using your PC.. On this page:You may need to change your Kerberos passwordTo use Citrix, your Kerberos password cannot be more than three years old. e10c415e6f 4